Saturday, February 8, 2020

Impact of Performance Management on Employee Motivation

The important element of the HR department's operation can be performance management. Role of HR can be the task management related with their workforces. People of an organization can be a kind of more valuable asset to the business. So that it is very important for managing that more effectively. The HR employees are looking after all functions from the recruitment and onboard the employee's developments as well as the performance review. Human resources can be involved to the administration of benefits & payrolls, in other tasks. Recently, there are a lot of concepts such as employees’ engagement, performances and productivity. Those things can be all connected together. Well engaged employees can be more productive as well as turning better performances. In most of the situation, performances management is playing an important role in the motivation and engagements of their employees. (Bernardin & Beatty, 2009)

Performance Managemengt
Employee's performance can be the main concern to many Human Resources departments. Essentially, this can be the art to manage their employees for turning for better performances. It is including the keep the best performers, engaged & productive and motivates the employees who have underperformed. HR should be able to monitor the performances of employees, communicating the feedbacks with the employees, and helping the employees for developing the strategy to enhance those performances. (Kaplan & Norton, 2006) The organization wants to not only motivating but also enabling the underperformers for improving them for their next level. Performance management is consisted with many asks. The obvious task can be the feedback to their employees, often delivered on reviewing the performances. The organization is monitoring the performances of employees, Consisting that success and productivity. Then it can supply feedbacks. The organization should be able to offer training opportunities, discussing the career goal, and helping the employees to develop the plan for improvement in the area where they might be underperformed. (Abramis, 2014)

Impact of Performance management on Employee Motivation
Performance management can impact the motivations of employees. Mostly, the impacts depend on how the performances itself can be managed. The employees who receive the constructive criticisms along with the praise as. Well as receiving the assistance when strategizing to the improvements of performances can be mostly became as motivated. If an organization discusses the feedbacks with their employees, they can be mostly to accepting it as well  as incorporating the ideas, Expressing the desire for helping, and strategizing with their employees, helping them the devising the plan which felt as achievable. In contrast, if the performance management can be less positively handled, the employee might really identify that as demotivating. (Kaplan & Norton, 2006) When the feedbacks are overwhelmingly negatives as well as do not illustrate at where the employees can be improved, the employees might be disengaged. When the organization is not offering the help to create the plan for improving the performances, the employees might feel as lost as well as becoming as de-motivated. (Abramis, 2014)

The performance of employees is having an impact in the objectives of the organization. Also, this can be hence imperative that each employee's performance must be managed. The processes of performance management are including the group assessment & peer review. Recently, a system of performance management is becoming more important due to the manager 8s under the constant pressures for getting the better progress & performances of that organization through motivating those employees. There can be some elements which can be more effective on the performances of employees. (Bernardin & Beatty, 2009)

Figure 1 The performances of employees.

Improving Performance Management
It is essential for having the clear performance management. The performance management's important part can be looked to the way of delivering within the organization. The process of processes to the positive performances management can motivate should be motivated their employees in the more with the most effective manners. (Kaplan & Norton, 2006)

There can be many ways to motivate employees.  One of them can be shifting their focus on feedbacks. Focusing low on what wrong with their employees as well as more methods for improving the weakness area of them. Offer the training & developments opportunity and make a suitable suggestion for their employees regarding those career developments can be another good idea. When an organization is already used the HR information systems, improve those activities of performance management can be easier. It is good for using the HRIS for tracking their employees' performances and delivering real-time feedback on their employees. Then also, it should tend to keep the positive outlooks. The organization should offer the praises to the well-done jobs, and offering the advice & feedbacks to future improvement. Improvement of performance management can enhance the motivation of their employees. This is empowering them for developing the goal and reaching them. When an organization wants well-motivated employees, taking a look on their process of performance management.


Abramis, D. J. (2014). ‘Work role ambiguity, job satisfaction, and job performance: Meta-analyses and review’. Psychological Reports, 75

Bartol, K. M. (2009). ‘Reframing sales force compensation systems: An agency theory-based performance management perspective’. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Bernardin, H. J. and Beatty, R. W. (2009). Performance Appraisal: Assessing Human Behavior at Work. Boston: Kent Publishing

Bedeian, A. G., (2013) , Management, 3rd Edition, New York, Dryden Press

Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. (2006). ‘Using the balanced scorecard as a straegic management system’. Harvard Business Review

Taylor, M. S., Masterson, S. S., Tracy, K. B. (2008). ‘Managers’ reactions to procedurally just performance management systems’. Academy of Management Journal, 41


  1. Generally speaking, performance management affects employee motivation. The question is how does motivation impact your employees. Often, the impact depends on how the performance itself is managed. I Agree with your points,On the contrary, when performance management is handled less positively, employees can find it demotivating. If the feedback is overwhelmingly negative and does not illustrate where the employee can improve, the employee can retire. If you do not offer help to create a plan to improve performance, the employee may feel lost and unmotivated

  2. The performance management process requires managers to discuss performance issues with employees. Managers are busy with everyday responsibilities this gives them an opportunity to neglect the necessary interactions with employees and provide job-related training and feedback. It supports for employee motivation but it cannot say that it always supports in positive ways. There are lot of negative effects arise in organizations due to the practices of performance management.

  3. In my opinion weaknesses of human being are identified when focus more on their wrong side and the strengths are other way around. So if an Organization highly focus on what wrong with their employees only they could use more methods for improving the weakness area of them.

  4. performance management and the motivation theories are two sides of a coin. So as there is without motivation and no enough performance as expected by the management. The good motivation brings a high performance for the organisational targets.
