Sunday, February 2, 2020

Tools and techniques used in performance management

Performance management is helping the organization to become successful as well as staying as a competitive Organization in the market. This is involving the measurement, report, and managed progress for improving their performances in individual level as well as per organizational level. There can be a lot of tools designed for performance management for making their processes easier and effective. Such as: (Herzberg, Mausner & Snyderman, 2009)

Key performance indicator and metrics

This is providing the method for measuring the way of the organization projects organizational departments and the individual employee perform their tasks with related to those strategic goals & objectives. However, the major task of this KPI does not the measurements, anyhow it is helping to make conversation regarding the performances, make the effective decisions to the organization. Measure all things that moving can provide higher than the illusions that performances are managed. KPIs must be well designed and act as the important navigation instrument, give clear pictures on its present performance levels as well as whether the organization should be where. (Armstrong, 2010)

Performance appraisal

With the KPI, performance appraisal can be mostly using a tool of performance management. Performances appraisal can be more powerful to align the individual's goals with the organization’s strategic goals as well. For getting these tools, however, the employee should believe that the processes of the appraisal can be fair, honest, regular & constructive two ways conversations. If doesn’t, an appraisal will be acted as the powerful de-motivators, lead to reduce the performances.

Figure 1 - Performance appraisal

360-degree feedback

It can be a tool which answers the questions, “How well have the employees performed in the eye of the persons who are having the stake on those performances?” this is providing the individual along with the broad assessments of those performances according to the view of the person around him, include its manager or supervisors, direct report, peer, customer, supplier, & so on. The result can be confidentially balanced as well as shown to their employees, normally by those managers. The 363-degree feedback's insight can be normally used for the trainings & developments of employees. This 360-degree feedback can help for democratizing the reviewing processes, through the way of weighing the opinions from various persons, rather than just a line manager of that individual.
Figure 2 - 360-degree feedbacks

Management by objective (MBO)

MBO can be the process to define the specific objective as well as then set out the way for achieving every individual objective. This can be especially powerful to certain works that should be performed a step in time, as well as can be the best way for creating the culture to work toward the common goal. That means every objective can be attained, those in the company can be aware of those achievements, that, in turns, boosting the motivations and morale. MBO is involving the measurement of individual performances as well as compare that with the predetermined standards. (Armstrong, 2010)

Figure 3 - The process of MBO

Performances management framework

Balanced Scorecards (BSC) can be one of the best-known and very popular management frameworks. This BSC can be for strategy executions that can help the organization for: 1) clarifying those strategies & communicating those business objectives and priorities; 2) monitoring the progress through measure to what extents objectives and priorities can be delivered; 3) defining and managing the action plan for ensuring the initiative can be in place for delivering the strategic objectives and priorities of a business.

Rewarding & recognition programme

If an employee feels that good performances are unrecognized as well as unrewarded, then the motivations plummet, & people are disengaged from the overall goal of an organization. The rewarding and recognizing program can be so an important element to any effective performance management system, create the method to celebrate the person who is the highest performer. In many organizations, it means dish out the financial reward, like a bonus, however simple praises & recognitions of the well-performed job can be an important element to maintain the morale as well as get the continuous high performances. (Peffer, 2008)

Personal developments plan (PDP)

The PDP can be effectively created an action plan which can be according to the awareness and reflection of the individual’s need and performances, set out the goal to future performances as well as the action that can help to the employees’ personal developments. PDP can be mostly used for identifying certain training & developments need and creating action plans to meet these needs (as an example, via certain courses or shadow other employees). This can help the individuals for setting out the way of growing themselves, and what action should be taken for achieving these growths. It is not only helping the individuals to feel as most invested towards the organization, & the roles played to get the successes, this is also identifying the concrete steps which is helping to drive the individual performances in the future. (Herzberg, Mausner & Snyderman, 2009)

Invest on or develop the tools, process and techniques of performance management can be an important factor to create the cultures of higher performances. Also, it is exactly what all businesses, regardless of their sizes, at each industry, must be aiming to get the best performances in each level of an organization.


Armstrong, M. (2010). Performance management: Key strategies and practical guidelines. London, UK: Kogan Page Limited.

Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Verbeke, W. (2004). Using the job demands–resources model to predict burnout and performance. Human Resource Management, 43

Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D. E., & Gilliland, S. W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. Academy of Management Perspectives,

Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B., (2009), the motivation to work, New York: John Wiley & Sons

Huselid, Mark A. (2012), "The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance." Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 38, No.3 (June), pp.2

Kluger, A. N., & DeNisi, A. (2006). The effects of feedback interventions on performance: A historical review, a meta-analysis, and a preliminary feedback intervention theory, Bulletin

Peffer, J. (2008). The human equation: Building profits by putting people first. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press


  1. The 360 ​​feedback is not perfect, and unfortunately many teams will implement it for the wrong reasons. You must be very careful when doing this. If your culture already has a trust problem or if the team does not get along, this could make the problem worse.

  2. In my view, MBO is recommended. It directed towards raising the performance level of the organization by obviously recognizing the assessable goals and final outcomes, which are decided to the organization as well as personnel of the organization. Afterward, the employees contribute in framing the action plan and strategy for the accomplishment of the set goals. A mutual contract is visible. Each employee have a contribution on the success.

  3. Yes performance appraisal can be mostly uses tool of performance management. But when it comes to KPI, even though outcome KPI is measurable the non-outcome KPI is not measurable. Hence management can use their influences over employees.

  4. I personally feel the 360-degree appraisal system is the complete evaluation of an employee at the same time the favouritism wouldn't play on that appraisal system. But the evaluation system will take time to get the final decision. The multiple layers in the system will analyse the leadership qualities of an employee.
