Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Purpose of Performance Management

Human resources depart­ment is investing more efforts and time on their process of per­for­mance man­age­ment.  The major purposes for performances management can be as following: (Armstrong & Baron, 2008)

Figure 1 - The Purpose of Performance Management

1. for Providing the Meaningful, Ongoing

Real-time feed­backs can be an exam­ple for how the system of per­for­mances man­age­ment is becoming more for­wards think­ing. The feed­backs can be fair­ly restricted. Employ­ees can get it in the annu­al per­for­mance reviewing while being for­mal­ly judged as well as appraised in those past per­for­mances. It is normally hap­pened while the bonus­ & pay has decid­ed — exchanging the feed­backs strained, unproductive and uncom­fort­able. Feed­backs can be more effec­tive while promptly deliv­er it. A very impor­tant pur­pos­e to this performances man­age­ment can be regularly giving & requesting the feed­backs, regard­less whether that could be con­struc­tive or positive in nature. Whole feedbacks can be pro­gres­sive & must be given as soon as pos­si­ble.

2. for Encouraging Teamwork, Collaborations and Communications

 Lead­ers of HR are often looking for the methods for creating the sense of teamwork and com­mu­ni­ty in an organization.  It is leading for improved col­lab­o­rations & com­mu­ni­ca­tions, which can be good to the performance of busi­ness. Organizations are able to go with various ways; however the lot of organizations is utilizing the mix­ of social activ­i­ties as well as accessing for the correct tech­nol­o­gies. (Locke, 2009) Tools of Col­lab­o­ra­tion like Slack are providing the capac­i­ties to the real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tions, when the tings-build­ing exer­cis­e & after-works social activ­i­ty are helping for developing the sense of team spirits and togeth­er­ness.

3. for Ensuring each person achieves those SMART Goals

Goal-set­ting can be always the impor­tant consideration to this per­for­mance man­age­ment. This can be important that employ­ee can under­stand which is needed of them. Com­ple­tion of goal can be the respon­si­bil­i­ties of manager, employees & HRD. Goal must be reg­u­lar­ly set & must be short-term. HR must make sure that those goals set as well as that employees and man­ag­ers are meeting fre­quent­ly for dis­cussing those progresses.

4. Ensure the achievement of Organizational Objective

Employ­ee should know those own goal which is related to the ultimate goal of the organization. Performance management will not only help for the regular deci­sions-mak­ing, but also under­stand­ the objectives of organization and how the employees’ roles are related to the organization’s direc­tion. (Milakovich, 2011)

5. for pro­viding the support con­tin­u­ously

Currently, Organization should be performed as the social enter­pris­e, more than performing as pure busi­ness enter­pris­e. It should take care on the well-being 9f employees & men­tal health of employees. It is involving the well­ness pro­gram; however it doesn’t mean to demon­strat­e the employ­ee that those are able to dis­cuss the problems that can affect those performances. Organization which is proac­tive as well  as having the mea­sures by those per­for­mance man­age­ment sys­tem — ensur­e the check-ins regularly & incor­po­rating the con­ver­sa­tion regarding the health & well­ness, as exam­ple — can be much pro­duc­tive as well  as  ben­e­fitted from the sat­is­fied employ­ee. (Armstrong & Baron, 2008)

6. for Iden­ti­fying the Devel­op­ment Area

The major pur­pose to this per­for­mance man­age­ment can be the tal­ents man­age­ment. This can be vital for cre­ating the devel­op­ment plan with their employ­ees. Focus­ on the devel­op­ment requirements means the employees and man­agers are putting the effec­tive plan, lead­ for 5he improvements in indi­vid­ual per­for­mances and, finally, improvements in organizational per­for­mances. (Locke, 2009)  Moreover, when an organization has made it clear that their organization has invest­ed on the employees’ per­son­al developments & careers aspi­ra­tion, employ­ee will be felt as respect­ed and valued more than the replace­able cogs on the machines. 

7. for Offering the Recognitions & Rewards

Recognition can be the simple method for improving the morale as well as the engagement of employ­ees. Recognitions can be also pos­i­tive­ly related with the higher performances and productivity. Recog­ni­tion is not coming with more prices. There can be lot of costs-effec­tive mean of acknowl­edg­e the best efforts & accom­plish­ment, and this can be the best method to incentivize the employ­ee can be with intrin­sic moti­va­tor. (Milakovich, 2011)

8. for Taking the Cor­rec­tive Action

Per­for­mance man­age­ment will allow the man­ager & HR for stepping into beginning stage for addressing the per­for­mances issues.  The low per­form­ing employ­ee is having the seri­ous impacts to the whole organization and when the per­for­mances issue cannot be ad­dressed, it will be out of controls. 


Atkinson, A. A., Waterhouse, J. H. and Wells, R. B., (2007), A Stakeholder approach to strategic performance measurement, Sloan Management Review, spring, 25–37.

Armstrong, M. and Baron, A. (2008), Performance Management Handbook, IPM, London.

Ballantine, J., Brignall, S. and Modell, S., 1998. Performance measurement and management a comparison of U.K. and Swedish practice, Management Accounting Research, 9, 71

Bititci, U. et al. (2007), ``Integrated performance measurement systems: an audit and development guide'', The TQM Magazine, Vol. 9 No. 1

Fitzgerald, L., Johnston, R., Sivestro, R. (2001), Performance Measurement in Service Businesses, London, CIMA

Locke, E.A. (2009), ``towards a theory of task motivation and incentives'', Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, Vol. 14 No. 2

Milakovich, M.E. (2011), ``Total quality management in the public sector'', National Productivity Review, Vol. 10, pp. 19


  1. Goal setting theory was developed in the 1960s. It assumes that having management set specific and clear objectives and then provide feedback to employees provides motivation to those employees to achieve the goals. However, goal-setting isn't without its drawbacks and may, at times, cause as many problems as it solves.

  2. In contrast to your view, I would like to add the weak side of performance management in small businesses. Inconsistent supervisors can also lead to poor performance management results. Mixed messages can lead to confusion and resilience among employees and distrust of performance management reports. Because a small number of employees may spread these mixed messages to each other, small businesses are at risk from mixed messages. To ensure that executives implement performance management recommendations, they must maintain consistency in tone and content in employee notes.

  3. As you said the performance management is encouraging team unity and knowledge sharing to achieve the common goals. Every individuals having a uniqueness of their own. So, the team performance will bring the Kinetic power, It will ensure the achievement of organisation objectives.

  4. Performance management leads to leverage the power of your collective workforce by communicating clear objectives, which will be resulted to employees as "On track or Off track.
